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Protecting your investment starts with prevention.

The best way to keep your roof in its best condition is with preventative maintenance. Investing in it goes a long way toward the longevity and overall health of your roof. Even with a freshly repaired roof or new installation, continuous upkeep will have your roof looking fresh and performing well for years to come.

Fort Myers Beach

Southwest Florida Roof Inspections 

The importance of regular roof inspections cannot be overstated. A professional roof inspection can help identify potential issues before they become major problems, overall saving you time and money. In addition to identifying potential issues, a roof inspection can also provide valuable information about the overall condition of your roof, ensuring your property stays in top condition and retains value over time.

It’s important to choose a qualified and experienced professional, like VPM Roofing. We have a proven track record of providing clients with reliable, high-quality inspections. Our team comes equipped with all of the necessary tools and knowledge to thoroughly examine your roof.

Key Areas for Inspection

Roofing Material

We look at your shingle, tile, metal, or flat roofing and inspect it for damage, missing material, and general wear and tear. 


We look for damage, general wear and tear, water leaks around the area, and the age of the flashing.

Gutters & Downspouts

We inspect the outside and inside of your gutters, looking specifically for gaps, missing parts, if it’s detached from the property, and signs of leaks.


We check the seals around your vents and ensure they’re providing proper ventilation for your roof.

Roof Deck

We inspect for holes in your roof, visible sagging from both interior and exterior, signs of mold or mildew in your attic, water damage, dry rot, and general damage.

Insulation Materials

We look for missing or inadequate insulation, mold growth, age, and general damage.

Experience peace of mind knowing we’ve got you covered.
Call or request a free estimate for your next roofing project.

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